Sunday October 27, 2024
  1. A. C. Mostafavi, C. Laurier, P. Herrera, "Creating Classifiers for a Personalized Music Recomendation System", Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music (Eds. Z.W. Ras, S. Tsumoto, A. Wieczorkowska), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, 2013[..pdf]

  2. K. Hashizume, D. Rosado, E. Fernandez-Medina, E. Fernandez, "An Analysis of Security Issues for Cloud Computing." Journal of Internet Computing, 2012.[..pdf]

  3. D. Villegas, N. Bobroff, I. Rodero, J. Delgado, Y. Liu, A. Devarakonda, L. Fong, S. Sadjadi, M. Parashar. "Cloud Federation in a Layered Service Model." Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences., no. 5, pp. 1130-1344, September, 2012[..bib]

  4. A. C. Mostafavi, P. Herrera, C. Laurier, Z. Ras, "Adaptive Music Mood Tagger", International Society of Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Demo session, 2011.[..pdf]

  5. . Rodero, D. Villegas, Y. Liu, N. Bobroff, L. Fong, S.M. Sadjadi, "Enabling Grid Interoperability among Meta-Schedulers", Journal of Grid Computing, ISSN: 1570-7873, October 2011.
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  7. J. Delgado, G. Gazolla, E. Clua, and S. Masoud Sadjadi. "A case study on porting scientific applications to gpu/cuda." Journal of Computational Interdisciplinary Sciences, 2:3-11, 2011. PDN:jcis.2011.02.01.0027.

  8. A. Marcus, M. Cardei, I. Cardei, E. Fernandez, F. Frati, and E. Damiani. "A pattern for Web-based WSN monitoring (Invited Paper)." Journal of Communications, special issue on New Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 393-399, 2011.
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  10. Y. Wu, A. Allen, F. Hernandez, R. B. France, and P. J. Clarke. "A Domain-Specific Modeling Approach to Realizing User-Centric Communication." Journal of Software Practice and Experience (SP&E), vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 357-390, May 2011.

  11. J. Carmignani, B. Furht, M. Anosetti, P. Caravolo, E. Damiani, and M. Ivkovic. "Augmented Reality Technologies and Applications." International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, special issue on Survey Papers in Multimedia by World Experts, no. 1, pp. 341-377, January 2011.

  12. H. Kalva, A. Colic, and B. Furht. "Parallel Programming for Multimedia Applications." International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, special issue on Hot Topics in Multimedia, no. 2, pp. 801-818, January 2011.

  13. S. Huang, M. VanHilst, J. Cao, and J. Mangs, "Remote Computing Resource Management from Mobile Devices by Utilizing WSRF." International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET), special issue on Smart Homes: Technologies and Application, vol. 2, no. 2/3, pp. 199 – 217, 2010. DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2010.030545.

  14. V. Adzic, H. Kalva, and B. Furht. "A Survey of Multimedia Content Adaptation for Mobile Devices." International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, special issue on Survey Papers in Multimedia by World Experts, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 379-396. DOI: 10.1007/s11042-010-0669-x.

  15. L. Lin, M. Shyu, and S. Chen, "Association Rule Mining with a Correlation-based Interestingness Measure for Video Semantic Concept Detection." International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS). In press.

  16. L. Lattari, A. Montenegro, A. Conci, E. Clua, V. Mota, M. B. Vieira, and G. Lizarraga. "Using Graph Cuts in GPUs for Color Based Human Skin Segmentation." Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp. 41-59, 2011. DOI 10.3233/ICA-2011-0357.

  17. O. Ezenwoye, M. B. Blake, G. Dasgupta, L. Fong, S. Kalayci, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Managing faults for distributed workflows over grids." IEEE Internet Computing, pp. 84-88, 2010.
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  18. I. Rodero, F. Guimb, J. Corbalan, L. Fong, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Grid broker selection strategies using aggregated resource information." Future Generation Computer Systems: The International Journal of Grid Computing and eScience, 2009. In press.
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  19. O. Ezenwoye and S. M. Sadjadi. "A proxy-based approach to enhancing the autonomic behavior in composite services." Journal of Networks, 2008. ISSN 1796-2056.
Book Chapters
  1. N. Rishe, B. Furht, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, E. Cheremisina, et. al. "Geospatial Data Management with Terrafly" in Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, Springer-Science, 2011.

  2. N. Rishe, B. Furht, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, D. Davis, et. al. "Semantic Wrapper: Concise Semantic Querying of Legacy Relational Databases" in Handbook of Data Intensive Computing, Springer-Science, 2011.

  3. J. Carmingnani and B. Furht. "Augmented Reality: An Overview" in Handbook of Augmented Reality, Springer-Science and Business Media, 2011.

  4. S. M. Sadjadi, P. K. McKinley, and B. H.C. Cheng. "Adaptive Control Approach for Software Quality Improvement," in Transparent Shaping: A Methodology for Adding Adaptive Behavior to Existing Software Systems and Applications, World Scientific, April 2011.

  5. L. Melendez, O. Wolfson, M. Adjouadi, and N. Rishe. "Qualitative Analysis of Commercial Social Network Profiles" in Handbook Of Social Network Technologies And Applications, v. 54. Springer Verlag, 2010, pp. 95-113. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7142-5_5.

  6. Y. Zhang, Q. Deng, C. Xing, Y. Sun, and M. Whitney. "A Service Component Model and Implementation for Institutional Repositories in Clouds" in Advanced Design Approaches to Emerging Software Systems: Principles, Methodology and Tools, Xiaodong Liu, Ed. IGI Global. In press.

  7. D. Villegas, I. Rodero, L. Fong, N. Bobroff, Y. Liu, M. Parashar, and S. M. Sadjadi. "The Role Of Grid Computing Technologies in Cloud Computing" in Handbook of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2010. In press.

  8. O. Ezenwoye and S. M. Sadjadi. "Developing Effective Service Oriented Architectures: Concepts and Applications in Service Level Agreements, Quality of Service and Reliability." in Applying Concept Reuse for Adaptive Service Composition, IGI Global, 2010.

  9. K. Chatterjee, S. M. Sadjadi, and S. Chen. "Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments - Integrated Systems," in A Distributed Multimedia Data Management over the Grid. Springer, 2009.

Conferences and Workshops
  1. S. Kalayci and S. M. Sadjadi, "Optimization Patterns for the Decentralized Orchestration of Parameter-Sweep Workflows", in Proceedings of The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC 2014), London, United Kingdom, September 2014.
  2. [.pdf]

  3. O. Ezenwoye and S. M. Sadjadi, "A Look at Adaptability for Service Workflows", in Proceedings of The 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (CAC 2014), London, United Kingdom, September 2014.
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  5. M. Shafaatdoost and S. M. Sadjadi, "Virtual Topology Manager for Cloud Infrastructure", in Proceedings of the Second International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA CON 2014), Atlanta, GA, May 2014.
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  7. R. E. Castillo-Barrera, H. G. Perez-Gonzalez, S. M. Sadjadi, "Towards a Software Domain Metric based on Semantic Web Techniques", International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 2013).
  8. [.pdf]

  9. F. E. Castillo-Barrere, P. D. Arjona-Villicana, C. A. Ramirez-Gamez, F. E. Hernandez-Castro, S. M. Sadjadi, "Turtles, Robots, Sheep, Cats, Languages: What is next to teach programming? A future developer's crisis?", International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS 2013).
  10. [.pdf]

  11. F. E. Castillo-Barrera, R. C. Medina-Ramirez, J. E. Labra Gayo, S. M. Sadjadi, "Kulkulcan: Semantic Web Framework for Knowledge Management in the Domain of Digital Circuits", International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2013).
  12. [.pdf]

  13. S. Kalayci and S. M. Sadjadi, "Pattern-based Decentralization and Run-time Adaptation Framework for Multi-site Workflow Orchestrations", in Proceedings of The 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Boston, USA, July 2013.
  14. [.pdf]

  15. A. Marcus, I. Cardei, B. Furht, O. Salem, A. Mehaoua, "A Mobile Divice Prototype Application for the Detection and Prediction of Node Faults in Wireless Sensor Networks", International Conference on Soft Computing and Software Engineeing (SCSE 2013).
  16. [.pdf]

  17. M. S. Doost, S. M. Sadjadi, J. R. da Silva Jr., M. Zamith, M. Joselli, E. Clua, "Architecture of Request Distributor for GPU Clusters", in 2012 3rd Workshop on Applications for MultiCore Architectures (WAMCA). IEEE 2012, vol. 12, pp. 13-18, DOI: 10.1109/WAMCA.212.15, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5025-9.
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  19. V. Adzic, H. Kalva, L. Cheok, "Adapting Video Delivery Based on Motion Triggered Visual Attention," in proceedings of Applications of Digital Image Processing, XXXV, 2012.

  20. D. Villegas, A. Antoniou, S. Masoud Sadjadi and A. Iosup. "An Analysis of Provisioning and Allocation Policies for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds," in Proceedings of 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2012).

  21. E. J. Ruiz, V. Hristidis, C. Castillo, A. Gionis, A. Jaimes. "Correlating Financial Time Series with Micro-Blogging Activity," in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM) 2012, 2012.

  22. X. J. Collazo-Mojica, S. Masoud Sadjadi, J. Ejarque and R. M. Badia. "Cloud Application Resource Mapping and Scaling Based on Monitoring of QoS Constraints." in Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2012), 2012.

  23. F. Castillo-Barrera, C. Medina-Ramirez, J. Gayo, S. Sadjadi. "A Semantic Web Framework for Teaching Logic Circuits." in Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'12), 2012.

  24. F. Castillo-Barrera, H. Duran-Limon, C. Medina-Ramirez, J. Gayo, S. Sadjadi. "Verifying the Behavioral Contracts among Components by means of Semantic Web Techniques." The Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'12), 2012.

  25. D. Edge, S. Fitchett, M. Whitney, J. Landay. "MemReflex: Adaptive Flashcards for Mobile MicroLearning," to appear in proceedings of the Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2012).

  26. D. Edge, K. Cheng, M. Whitney, Y. Qian, Z. Yan, F. Soong. "TipTapTones: Mobile MicroLearning ofi Mandarin Sounds," to appear in proceedings of the Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2012).

  27. M. Whitney, H. Lipford. "Participatory Sensing for Communit Building," in proceedings of 2011 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts (CHI EA 2011), pp. 1321-1326, ACM, New York, NY, 2011.

  28. M. Whitney, H. Lipford, D. Edge. "Language Acquisition: Moving to Learn and Training to Hear," Ninth Latin American Grid (LAGrid) Summit, Miami, Florida. November 3-4, 2011.

  29. R. Owens and W. Wang. "Fingerprinting Large Data Sets Through Memory De-duplication Technique in Virtual Machines," in IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2011), Baltimore, MD 2011. [pdf]

  30. I. Buckley, E. B. Fernandez, M. Anisetti, C. A. Ardagna, S. Masoud Sadjadi, E. Damiani. "Towards Pattern-Based Reliability Certification of Services," in Proceedings of OTM Conferences 2011, pp. 560-576. .

  31. D. Villegas and S. Masoud Sadjadi. "DEVA: Distributed Ensembles of Virtual Appliances in the Cloud," in Proceedings of the 17th Euro-Par Conference (Euro-Par 2011), pages 467-478, Bordeaux, France, 2011.

  32. J. Delgado, L. Fong, Y. Liu, N. Bobroff, S. Seelam, S. M. Sadjadi. "Efficiency Assessment of Parallel Workloads on Virtualized Resources," in Proceedings 2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pp. 89-96, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2011.

  33. J. Delgado, A. S. Eddin, S. M. Sadjadi, and M. Adjouadi. "Paravirtualization for Scientific Computing: Performance Analysis and Prediction," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium of Advances on High Performance Computing and Networking held in conjunction with HPCC-2011, 2011.

  34. J. Mulcahy, S. Huang, J. Cao, and F. Zhang. "How Are You Feeling? A Social Network Model to Monitor the Health of Post-Operative and Remote Patients," in Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Systems Conference, 2011.

  35. K. Hashizume, E.B.Fernandez, and N. Yoshioka. "Misuse patterns for cloud computing: Malicious virtual machine creation," in Proceedings Twenty-Third International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), 2011.

  36. K. Hashizume, N. Yoshioka, and E.B.Fernandez. "Two misuse patterns for Cloud Computing," in Proceedings Asian Pattern Languages of Programs Conference, Asian PLoP, 2011.

  37. A. Verma, G. Kumar, R. Koller, and A. Sen. "CosMig: Modeling the Impact of Reconfiguration in a Cloud," in Proceedings IEEE/ACM MASCOTS, 2011.

  38. R. Koller, A. Verma, and R. Rangaswami. "Estimating Application Cache Requirement for provisioning caches in virtualized systems," in Proceedings IEEE/ACM MASCOTS, 2011.

  39. L. Useche, R. Koller, R. Rangaswami, and A. Verma. "Truly Non-Blocking Writes.," in Proceedings Usenix HotStorage, 2011.

  40. R. Zeng, X. He, and W. M. P. van der Aalst, "A method to mine workflows from provenance for assisting scientific workflow composition," in Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Services, 2011.

  41. R. Zeng, X. He, J. Li, Z. Liu, and W. M. P. van der Aalst, "A Method to Build and Analyze Scientific Workflows from Provenance through Process Mining," in Proceedings of the 3rd USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP'11), 2011.

  42. X. J. Collazo-Mojica and S. M. Sadjadi. "A Metamodel for Distributed Ensembles of Virtual Appliances," in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), 2011.

  43. D.Villegas and S. M. Sadjadi. "Mapping Non-Functional Requirements to Cloud Applications," in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2011), 2011.

  44. N. Bobroff, Y. Liu, J. Delgado, L. Fong, and S. Seelam. "New Metrics for Scheduling Jobs on a Cluster of Virtual Machines," in Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2011), 2011.

  45. Y. Wu, F. Hernandez, P. J. Clarke and R. B. France. "A DSML for Coordinating User-Centric Communication Services," in Proceedings of the 35th Annual IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 11), 2011. (Acceptance rate 20%)

  46. A. Garcia, H. Kalva, and B. Furht, "A Study of Transcoding on Cloud Environments for Video Content Delivery," in Proceedings ACM Workshop on Mobile Cloud Media Computing, 2010.

  47. M. A. Erazo and R. Pereira. "On Profiling the Energy Consumption of Distributed Simulations: A Case Study," in Proceedings IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2010.

  48. Y. Wu, F. Ortega, F. Hernandez, P. J. Clarke and R. France. "Measuring the Effort of Creating and Realizing Domain-Specific Models," in Proceedings of The 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, 2010.
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  49. X. J. Collazo-Mojica, S. M. Sadjadi, F. Kon, and D. Da Silva. "Virtual Environments: Easy Modeling of Interdependent Virtual Appliances in the Cloud," in Proceedings SPLASH 2010 Workshop on Flexible Modeling Tools, 2010.
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  50. R. Koller, A. Verma, and R. Rangaswami. "Generalized ERSS Tree Model: Revisiting Working Sets," in Proceedings of the IFIP International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation, 2010.

  51. S. Kalayci, G. Dasgupta, L. Fong, O. Ezenwoye, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Distributed and adaptive execution of Condor DAGMan workflows," in Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2010), 2010.
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  52. J. Delgado, J. Gazolla, E. Clua, and S. M. Sadjadi. "An incremental approach to porting complex scientific applications to GPU/CUDA," in Proceedings of the IV Brazilian e-Science Workshop, 2010
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  53. R. Koller, A. Verma, and A. Neogi. "WattApp: An Application Aware Power Meter for Shared Data Centers," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2010.

  54. J. Delgado, S. M. Sadjadi, H. Duran, M. Bright, and M. Adjouadi. "Performance prediction of weather forecasting software on multicore systems," in Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2010), (PDSEC), 2010.
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  55. O. Ezenwoye, S. Busi, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Dynamically reconfigurable data-intensive service composition," in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2010), 2010.

  56. A. Verma, R. Koller, L. Useche, and R. Rangaswami. "SRCMap: Energy Proportional Storage Using Dynamic Consolidation (PDF)," in Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, 2010.

  57. P. Carrillo, H. Kalva, and P. Tao. "Low Complexity H.264 Video Encoder Design Using Machine Learning Techniques," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2010.

  58. P. Carrillo, H. Kalva, and T. Pin. "Low complexity H.264 video encoding," in Proceedings of Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXII, 2009.

  59. O. Ezenwoye, B. Viswanathan, S. M. Sadjadi, L. Fong, G. Dasgupta, and S. Kalayci. "Task decomposition for adaptive data staging in workflows for distributed environments," in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009), 2009, pp 16-19.

  60. I. Buckley, E. B. Fernandez, G. Rossi, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Web services reliability patterns," in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009), 2009, pp 4-9.

  61. SS. M. Sadjadi, S. Kappes, and L. F. McGinnis. "Grid enablement of scientific applications on teragrid," in Proceedings of the TeraGrid 2009 Conference, 2009.
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  62. Y. Liu, D. Villegas, N. Bobroff, L. Fong, I. Rodero, S. Seelam, and S. M. Sadjadi. "An experimental system for grid meta-broker evaluation," in Proceedings of the Large-scale System and Application Performance workshop (LSAP2009) of the International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2009), 2009.

  63. J. C. Martinez, L. Wang, M. Zhao, and S. M. Sadjadi. "Experimental study of large-scale computing on virtualized resources," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC 2009) of the 6th International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communications (ICAC-2009), 2009.

  64. J. Delgado, M. Joselli, S. Stanzani, S. M. Sadjadi, E. Clua, and H. Alvarez. "A learning and collaboration platform based on SAGE," in Proceedings of the 14th Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education (WCCCE 2009), 2009.

  65. S. M. Sadjadi, S.Chen, S. Graham, S. Luis, Y. Deng, B. Furht, P. Martinez, N. Bowen, and J. Caraballo. "PIRE: A Global Living Laboratory for Cyberinfrastructure Application Enablement," in Proceedings 2009 Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference, 2009.
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  66. C. Holder, T. Pin, and H. Kalva. "Improved Machine Learning Techniques for Low Complexity MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding Using Optimized Codecs," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2009, 2009.

  67. S. Kalayci, O. Ezenwoye, B. Viswanathan, G. Dasgupta, S. M. Sadjadi, and L. Fong. "Design and implementation of a fault tolerant job flow manager using job flow patterns and recovery policies," in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'08), 2008. (Acceptance rate 20.4%).

  68. J. Mangs, S. Huang, and J. Cao "Enabling Access to WSRF from Mobile Devices," in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG), 2008.
    [http://culturegrid.net/SKG2008/] [.pdf-paper]

  69. S. Huang, and J. Mangs, "Pervasive Computing: Migrating Applications to Mobile Devices." in Proceedings of the 2nd Annual IEEE Systems Conference, 2008, pp. 1-8.

  70. G. Dasgupta, O. Ezenwoye, L. Fong, S. Kalayci, S. M. Sadjadi, and B. Viswanathan. "Design of a Fault-Tolerant Job-Flow Manager for Grid Environments Using Standard Technologies, Job-Flow Patterns, and a Transparent Proxy," in Proceedings 2008 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'08), 2008, pp. 814-819.

  71. K. Saleem, S. M. Sadjadi, and S. Chen, "Towards a self-configurable weather research and forecasting system," in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC-2008), 2008, pp. 195-196.

  72. G. Dasgupta, O. Ezenwoye, L. Fong, S. Kalayci, S. M. Sadjadi, and B. Viswanathan, "Runtime fault-handling for job-flow management in grid environments," in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'2008), 2008, pp. 201-202.

  73. Y. Liu, S. M. Sadjadi, L. Fong, I. Rodero, D. Villegas, S. Kalayci, N. Bobroff, and J. C. Martinez. "Enabling autonomic meta-scheduling in grid environments," in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'2008), 2008, pp. 199-200.

  74. N. Bobroff, L. Fong, S. Kalayci, Y. Liu, J. C. Martinez, I. Rodero, S. M. Sadjadi, and D. Villegas, "Enabling interoperability among meta-schedulers," in Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid-2008), 2008, pp. 306-315.

  75. S. M. Sadjadi, L. Fong, R. M. Badia, J. Figueroa, J. Delgado, X. J. Collazo-Mojica, K. Saleem, R. Rangaswami, S. Shimizu, H. A. Duran Limon, P. Welsh, S. Pattnaik, A. Praino, D. Villegas, S. Kalayci, et al. "Transparent grid enablement of weather research and forecasting," in Proceedings of the Mardi Gras Conference 2008: Workshop on Grid-Enabling Applications, 2008. , (2008).

  1. I. Buckley, E. Fernandez, E. Damiani. "Towards Pattern-based Reliability Certification of Services." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  2. X. Collazo-Mojica, S. M. Sadjadi, R. Badia, J. Ejarque. "Cloud Application Mapping and Scaling Based on Monitoring of QoS Requirements." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  3. J. Delgado, M. Adjouadi, S. M. Sadjadi, L. Fong. "Efficiency Assessment of Parallel Workloads on Virtualized Resources." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  4. A. Eddin, M. Adjouadi, N. Ladbon-Bernasconi, A. Bernasconi. "Improvement of Automatic Brain Masking by Machine Learning." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  5. D. Hale, G. M. Youngblood. "Understanding Automated Navmesh Creation in Procedurally Generated Cities." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  6. K. Hashizume, E. Fernandez, E. Fernandez-Medina. "Security in Cloud Computing." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.
  7. M. Lluberes, J. Seguel, D. Sherman. "Model-checking for Gene Regulatory Networks." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  8. A. Mostafavi, Z. Ras, P. Herrera. "Automatic Music Mood Tagger. " Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  9. E. Ruiz, V. Hristidis, A. Gionis, C. Castillo. "Describing Spatial Changes on Micro-blog Activity." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  10. D. Villegas, S. Masoud Sadjadi, A. Iosup, I, Llorente. "A Study of Allocation and Provisioning Policies in Clouds." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  11. M. Whitney, H. Richter, D. Edge. "Language Acquisition: Moving to Learning and Training to Hear." Ninth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, November 3-4, 2011.

  12. G. Soleimani, C. Couchoud, M. J. Trepka, T. Page, and J. Tourret. "Clinical Characteristics among HIV-Infected End-Stage Renal Disease Patients According to Their Renal Replacement Therapy Modality in the French Renal Epidemiology Information Network (REIN) Registry." 2011 American Transplant Congress, Philadelphia, PA, April 30 - May 4, 2011.

  13. G. Soleimani, C. Couchoud, M. J. Trepka, T. Page, and J. Tourret. "Clinical Characteristics among French ESRD patients in the French Renal Epidemiology Information Network." Abstract Translated in French by Dr. Jerome Tourret. French Society of Transplantation, France, February, 2011.

  14. G. Soleimani, M. J. Trepka, T. Page, J. Tourret, and C. Couchoud. "Prevalence of Co-morbidities among HIV-infected Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD-Stage-5) /End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients according to their Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) Modality in the French Renal Epidemiology Information Network (REIN) Registry." 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, November 6-10, 2010
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  15. V. Adzic, B. Furht, H. Kalva, E. Damiani, and M. Anisetti. "Pattern Matching with Key Identification Application." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  16. A. A. Allen, P. J. Clarke, and F. M. Costa. "Dynamic Constraint Solving to Support Self-Configuration in CVM." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  17. B. A. Adorno, Q. B. Wang, and J. Seguel. "Create Virtual Images with Customization to Facilitate Cloud Computing Environment." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  18. L. Araujo, O. Marques, and J. M. Jezequel. "Bilateral Integration of EnTiMid & Social Network Outlets." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  19. J. Carmigniani, B. Furht, M. Anisetti, P. Ceravolo, and E. Damiani. "Augmented Reality Technologies and Applications with focus on Using Mobile Devices." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  20. A. Colic, H. Kalva, B. Furht, and E. Damiani. "Flower Recognition System on iPhone." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  21. X. J. Collazo-Mojica, S. M. Sadjadi, D. Da Silva, and F. Kon. "Modeling Distributed Ensembles of Virtual Appliances in the Cloud." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  22. T. Cruz, S. M. Sadjadi, and E. Clua. "Researching Hands-on Educational Approach to IT Automation." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  23. J. Delgado, S. M. Sadjadi, M. Adjouadi, L. Fong, and V. Mann. "Work Results Development of a Simulator for Scheduling on Virtual Machines." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  24. B. Gonzalez, C. Latulipe, and Y. JiJiang. "Best practices for the visualization and comprehension of Electronic Health Records." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  25. J. Gonzalez, N. Rishe, H. Ho, and U. Nambiar. "SEC File Extraction and Financial Table Analysis for Midas." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  26. K. Hashizume, E. B. Fernandez, and N. Yoshioka. "Cloud Computing Security." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  27. M. Jaric, N. Rishe, H. Ho, and U. Nambiar. "Financial Table Analysis for Midas." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  28. G. Lizarraga, M. Adjouadi, D. Da Silva, and E. Clua. "Exploring the Application of GPU to Extraction of Key Parameters Towards Seizure Detection." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  29. A. Marcus, M. Cardei, S. Cimato, and F. Frati. "An Architecture for Web-based Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring using a Smart Phone." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  30. J. J. Mulcahy, S. Huang, and J. Cao. "Deploying Research Applications In The Cloud." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  31. O. Ohannessian, S. Huang, and Y. Song. "CRL Healthcare Viz Project." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  32. R. Owens, W. Wang, and Y. Jijiang. "Secure Management of Pervasive and Cloud Computing." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  33. V. Ramirez, S. M. Sadjadi, and R. Badia. "IDE Prototype for COMP Superscalar." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  34. E. J. Ruiz, V. Hristidis, A.Gioannis, and C. Castillo. "Correlating Real Time Series with Micro-Blogging data." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  35. A. Saliva, B. Furht, and V. Guallar. "Interface for Drug-Protein Targeting Specifics Project." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  36. G. Soleimani, M. J. Trepka, T. Page, C. Couchoud, and J. Tourret. "HIV and CKD Stage 5: Outcomes and Clinical Characteristics among Patients in France and the United States." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  37. F. Suguimitzu, S. M. Sadjadi, and E. Clua. "Maximizing Resource Utilization for IT Automation Training." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  38. J. J. Valdés, O. I. Weeks, and V. Guallar. "Efficient Protein-Ligand Docking." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  39. M. Whitney, H. Lipford, and Y. Zhang. "Participatory Sensing: Data Filtration in a Reputation Environment." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  40. R. Zeng, X. He, and W. M. P. van der Aalst. "Mining Processes from Provenance of Scientific Workflows." Eighth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 28-29, 2010.

  41. G. Lizarraga, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, and M. Adjouadi. "Parallelized and Multithreaded FFT Applied to Extraction of EEG Data Key Parameters towards Seizure Detection and Prediction." Abstract of poster presented at 5th SACNAS Conference, Houston, Texas, October 2009, p. 179.

  42. A. A. Allen, P. J. Clarke, and J. M. Jazequel. "Autonomic Behavioral Aspects for Model-Driven Communication Applications." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  43. M. Armella, S. Chen, and Y. Q. Song. "Multi-Type Data Clustering Across Multiple Feature Spaces." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  44. J. Delgado, S. M. Sadjadi, M. Adjoudai, L. Fong, and E. Clua. "Performance Prediction of Scientific Applications." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  45. P. Greko, S. M. Sadjadi, E. Clua, and O. DeVries. "Automatic Installation of an IT Automation Software System." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  46. Y. Hernandez, P. J. Clarke, B. Baudry, and F. Munoz. "A Case Study to Support Testing of Dynamic SPL." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  47. S. Ikeda, S. M. Sadjadi, and E. Clua. "A Competitive Analysis of some IT Automation Solution Providers: Kaseya, LANDesk, Altiris, N-Able, and SilverBack." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  48. A. G. Kunzel, S. Huang, and J. Cao. "Mobile Web Services Using Globus." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  49. R. Koller, R. Rangaswami, and A. Verma. "Working Set: Model and Characterization." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  50. G. Lizarraga, M. Adjouadi, and R. Badia. "Parallelized Analysis Using Subdural Interictal EEG." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  51. L. Melendez, N. Rishe, R. Badia, and H. Ho. "Computing Object Similarity Using MapReduce." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  52. L. E. Meyer, Jr., S. M. Sadjadi, and R. Badia. "Enhanced Grid Enabled Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)/Superensemble Protal." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009. Best Poster Award.

  53. A. Munive, S. M. Sadjadi, E. Clua, R. Hendrix, and N. Lauther. "Meta-Monitoring: Proactive Monitoring of an IT Automation Monitoring Server." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  54. J. Petersen, S. Huang, and J. Yang. "A Comparison Framework for Rule Engines." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009).

  55. M. Rajan, H. Kalva, and G. Escribano. "Motion Estimation Using NVIDIA CUDA." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  56. S. Roepnack, S. Huang, and Y. Zhang. "Enhancing Item-Based Collaborative Filtering by Incorporating Tags." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009. Runner-up Best Poster Award.

  57. J. Sanchez, S. M. Sadjadi, E. Clua, and C. Gniffke. "A Competitive Analysis of IT Automation Solution Providers: Kaseya, Numara, KACE, LPI and LabTech." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  58. Y. Wu, P. J. Clarke, and J. M. Jezequel. "Engineering a Communication Modeling Language Using Kermeta." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  59. S. Zaidi, S. M. Sadjadi, E. Clua, and C. Gniffke. "A Competitive Analysis of IT Automation Solution Providers: Kaseya, LogMeln, ManageEngine, Zenith InfoTech and IT Control Suite." Seventh Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Miami, Florida, October 22-23, 2009.

  60. Y. Deng, B. Furht, P. Martinez, S. Chen, S. M. Sadjadi. "PIRE: A Global Living Laboratory for Cyberinfrastructure Application Enablement." PIRE Principal Investigators Meeting, Miami, Florida. December 10-11, 2008.

  61. J. Bernal, A. Folleco, and R. Gavalda. "Data Mining and Machine Learning Cross Validation over Distributed Networks." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  62. J. Beyer, X. Zhu, and J. Gelpi. "Parallel Sequence Alignment and Gene Selection with MPI Programming." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  63. M. Bright, J. Delgado, S. M. Sadjadi, and R. Badia. "Application Profiling and Prediction in the Grid Environment." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.
    [.pdf-research] [.pdf-experience]

  64. I. Buckley, E. B. Fernandez, and G. Rossi. "Web Services Reliability Patterns." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  65. P. A. Carrillo, H. Kalva, and T. Pin. "Data Mining for Video Encoding (low complexity H.264)." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  66. K. Chatterjee, S. Chen, S. X. Liu. "Using Graph Similarity for Social Network Analysis." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008. Best Poster Award.

  67. C. Holder, H. Kalva, and S. Yang. "Data Mining for Video Transcoding and Encoding." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  68. S. Kalayci, S. M. Sadjadi, and G. S. Dasgupta. "Pattern Based Fault-Tolerance at Workflow Management Systems." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  69. T. King, P. J. Clarke, and J. Zhu. "Leveraging Traceability Recovery in Test Planning and Optimization." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida. October 30-31, 2008.

  70. R. Koller, R. Rangaswami, and A. Verma. "APOS: An Application Level Power Oracle for Virtualized Servers." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008. Runner-up Best Poster Award.

  71. A. Kotlarchyk, A. S. Pandya, and G. Rossi, "Bioinformatics Algorithms for High Performance Computing." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  72. A. Lanager, S. Leslie, S. Martinez, E. Rodriguez, S. M. Sadjadi, and H. A. Duran Limon. "A Web-based Portal for Hurricane Mitigation." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  73. J. Mangs, S. Huang, and J. Cao. "Enabling Access to Grid Computing from Mobile Devices." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  74. L. Ortega, O. Marques, B. Furht, Y. Jijiang, and Z. Yong. "Text, Image and Audio/Video Datasets." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  75. S. Pasmore, S. Huang, and G. Rossi. "Web Accessibility for the Hearing Impaired." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  76. C. A. Silva, M. Robinson, G. Liu, S. M. Sadjadi, G. Narasimhan, H. A. Duran Limon. "Finding Repeats and Signatures in DNA Sequences Using MPI Clusters." Sixth Latin American Grid (LA Grid) Summit, Boca Raton, Florida, October 30-31, 2008.

  77. Y. Deng, B. Furht, P. Martinez, S. Chen, and S. M. Sadjadi. "PIRE: A Global Living Laboratory for Cyberinfrastructure Application Enablement." PIRE Principal Investigators Meeting, Miami, Florida, October 15-16, 2007.

"PIRE... provides our students with the kind of direct international experience and training that will prepare them for careers in an increasingly competitive global arena."
Dr. Modesto Maidique
President Emeritus, Florida International University

"PIRE...will enable the next generation of students participants to become fully engaged as members of the globally-aware IT workforce.""
Dr. Nicholas Bowen
Vice President of Strategy and Worldwide Operations, IBM Research

"We look forward to hosting students researchers ... to foster our existing collaborations and create new ones."
Mateo Valero Cortés
Director, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

"I was able to develop quite a bit as a person, researcher, and professional."
Marlon Bright,
FIU student

"Being able to learn elements directly related to my project, the likes and dislikes of another culture, and be able to communicate in a different language are all aspects related to the PIRE program for which I will always be grateful."
Simone Pasmore,
FAU student

"It helps you build confidence that the degree you hold will enable you to tackle any problem, and, more importantly, it lets you experience the job before committing your life to it."
Allison Lanager,
FIU student

This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OISE-0730065. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2007 Florida International University