Sunday October 27, 2024
Frequently asked questions:

How do I acknowledge CI-PIRE's support in my publications?

Please use the following as the standard acknowledgement text for all of your CI-PIRE publications appearing in scientific, technical, or professional jourals or conference proceedings.

"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OISE-0730065."

Any other publications such as posters or WWW pages need to include an additional disclaimer, so the acknowledgement in those needs to read:

"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OISE-0730065. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."

What do you mean by “Cyberinfrastructure”?

The term “Cyberinfrastructure” refers to networked computing infrastructure and resources on which we build technologies, tools and applications that benefit society; these applications range through business, government, people's life, entertainment, etc. For example, the Internet is a critical part of the global cyber-infrastructure.

What do you mean by “Global living laboratory”?

The term “Global living laboratory” refers to the fact that we bring together partners around the globe to share our knowledge, expertise, resources, and to work together and in concert to advance the-state-of-the-art in computing research and in training the next generation professionals and leaders.

Where are templates for posters, presentations and partner logos?

Please see http://pire.fiu.edu/materials/ for all of these materials.

Who are your partners?

Our partners include industry, academia and government research leaders in respective countries:

Florida International University, Florida Atlantic University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Agence de la Biomedecine, REIN, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Eindhoven University of Technology, IBM China Research Lab, IBM India Research Lab, IBM Research - Almaden, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,IBM Tokyo Research Lab, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, National Institute of Informatics, Tsinghua University, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade Federal de Goias, Universidad de Guadalajara, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Universitat Politènica de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universita degli Studi di Milano, University de Rennes 1, University of Miami, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, and Yahoo! Spain.

How do I acknowledge PIRE in my publications?

Please be sure that all PIRE-supported publications include the following acknowledgement: "This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OISE-0730065."

What will you be doing with your research partners?

The focus of our research is to, collaboratively with our partners, develop technologies and tools that will make the development of complex applications on top of the evolving global cyber-infrastructure easier and cheaper. Our research will focus on several sectors with major societal impacts, e.g. hurricane mitigation, healthcare and life science. Advancement in these areas will have tremendous scientific, societal and business value.

What opportunities does this program offer students?

Under this partnership, our students from FIU and FAU will perform cutting edge research work under the guidance of both US and international research leaders, at both US and international laboratories, as well as in both academic and industrial research labs. Consequently, PIRE students are able to participate in the full research pipeline from inception of ideas, through basic research, to practical applications with a wide choice of collaborators and international experiences. Hence, this project provides a rare and valuable educational and career development experience and opportunity for our students here in Florida.

How will this grant impact the life of computer science students?

First of all, PIRE is open to all FIU SCIS and FAU CSE students at BS, MS and Ph.D. levels. Each year, we will send dozens of our students who will each spend 2-3 months' time at the sites of our international partners in Mexico, Argentina, Spain, China, India, Japan or France. All the partners we have in this project are the leading research and educational institutions in the respective countries. They, for instance, include world renowned IBM research labs in China, India and Japan, The Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Spain, the largest leading computing center in Europe, and Tsinghua University, the #1 ranked university in China in terms of science and technology.

This grant will have tremendous impact to the career development of our students. 1) They will have the opportunity to work with the leaders of research and development around the world. 2) They will have the opportunity to experience, first hand, the global economy, industry, R&D, and learning. Such a global experience is critical to function well in today's and tomorrow's global economy. 3) They will have the opportunity to learn and experience different languages, cultures and people. All of these will not only help to open the eyes and minds of our students, but also help them to build important credentials in job seeking and career growth, which will set them apart from others.

What does winning this grant mean to the technological future of FIU?

FIU's vision, as articulated by President Maidique, is to become a top research university in the US and the World. This vision is important to our students, as it will help to attract top faculty, resources and prestige, which are essential not only to improve the quality of education, but that also help to open doors of career opportunity for them. To achieve such a vision, partnership, collaboration and the increased visibility of FIU among our peers in both the US and around the world are essential. PIRE is important in this regard in that it represents a wonderful opportunity to enhance FIU's connection to the international research, education and business community, to increase the university's visibility around the globe, and to forge global partnerships in the critical areas of computer science and information technology.

"PIRE... provides our students with the kind of direct international experience and training that will prepare them for careers in an increasingly competitive global arena."
Dr. Modesto Maidique
President Emeritus, Florida International University

"PIRE...will enable the next generation of students participants to become fully engaged as members of the globally-aware IT workforce.""
Dr. Nicholas Bowen
Vice President of Strategy and Worldwide Operations, IBM Research

"We look forward to hosting students researchers ... to foster our existing collaborations and create new ones."
Mateo Valero Cortés
Director, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

"I was able to develop quite a bit as a person, researcher, and professional."
Marlon Bright,
FIU student

"Being able to learn elements directly related to my project, the likes and dislikes of another culture, and be able to communicate in a different language are all aspects related to the PIRE program for which I will always be grateful."
Simone Pasmore,
FAU student

"It helps you build confidence that the degree you hold will enable you to tackle any problem, and, more importantly, it lets you experience the job before committing your life to it."
Allison Lanager,
FIU student

This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OISE-0730065. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2007 Florida International University