Friday February 21, 2025

Christine L. Lisetti

Florida International University
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Phone: (305)348-6241, Email: lisetti@cis.fiu.edu
Home page: http://www.cis.fiu.edu/~lisetti

Keywords of research areas:

Affective Social Computing, Embodied Conversational Agents, Emotion Modeling

Research interests:

We are interested in research on affect, emotion, and personality at the intersection of research in Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, and Human-Robot Interaction. Emotional systems in humans influence important cognitive processes such as salience determination, focus and attention, priority determination, interruption in emergency situation, memorization and recall, goal generation, goal attribution, categorization, and preference. All these processes are important for intelligent systems with limited resources evolving in an unpredictable environment, including artificial ones (W. Clancey; N. Frijda; M. Minsky, D. Norman, A. Ortony, R. Picard, D. Rumelhart, H. Simon; A. Sloman; R. Zajonc).

We currently focus on two aspects of the role of emotions in (1) communication (human-computer interaction, and computer-mediated communication); (2) decision-making, and our research therefore involves:

  1. Designing and developing computer systems and interfaces with increased “awareness” of their user's states and communication patterns and with “expressive abilities” that can render interaction more natural. Even though there exists a multitude of applications where human affect would gain to be acknowledged and responded to, we currently specialize on health and training. As our ideas progress, we will explore other applications.
  2. Studying and importing some of the important functions of human emotions and social interactions to the development of artificially intelligent systems, both software agents and robots: Indeed, pure reasoning and logic have proven to be insufficient to account for true intelligence in real life situations, in which there simply is no time to determine which action to take out of an infinite number of possible ones, given a set of premises.
  3. Evaluating our systems and intelligent user interfaces concurrently as we design them to ensure that the technologies of the future are truly accepted and enhance human lives.

"PIRE... provides our students with the kind of direct international experience and training that will prepare them for careers in an increasingly competitive global arena."
Dr. Modesto Maidique
President Emeritus, Florida International University

"PIRE...will enable the next generation of students participants to become fully engaged as members of the globally-aware IT workforce.""
Dr. Nicholas Bowen
Vice President of Strategy and Worldwide Operations, IBM Research

"We look forward to hosting students researchers ... to foster our existing collaborations and create new ones."
Mateo Valero Cortés
Director, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

"I was able to develop quite a bit as a person, researcher, and professional."
Marlon Bright,
FIU student

"Being able to learn elements directly related to my project, the likes and dislikes of another culture, and be able to communicate in a different language are all aspects related to the PIRE program for which I will always be grateful."
Simone Pasmore,
FAU student

"It helps you build confidence that the degree you hold will enable you to tackle any problem, and, more importantly, it lets you experience the job before committing your life to it."
Allison Lanager,
FIU student

This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OISE-0730065. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2007 Florida International University