Friday February 21, 2025

Junwei Cao

Professor and Assistant Dean
Research Institute of Information Technology
Tsinghua University, China
Junwei Cao
Research Interests:
  • Agile Computing. I am especially interested in mass customization of web/grid services in a service-oriented environment.
  • Cyberinfrastructure and Grid Computing. I have been working on grid infrastructure implementation and grid-enabled application development since 1999.
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing. I am interested in resource scheduling, workload management, quality of service and performance evaluation for large-scale parallel and distributed systems with highly dynamic behaviors.
  • Software Engineering. My interests include software agents, workflow management, software architecture, coordination models and languages, software reuse, object-oriented system analysis and design, the unified modelling language, etc.

Junwei Cao is currently a Professor and Assistant Dean of Research Institute of Information Technology, Tsinghua University, China. He is also a Research Affiliate of LIGO Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He has been working on advanced computing technology, e.g. cyberinfrastructure and grid computing, cluster computing, high performance computing, and their applications for more than 10 years.

Before joining Tsinghua in 2006, Junwei Cao was a Research Scientist of LIGO Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He participated in building of the LIGO data grid (LDG) with thousands of CPUs and terabytes of data storage distributed over 10 sites in the US and Europe. The LDG client/server environment developed by Junwei Cao was used by over 500 research scientists in the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Before that he worked as a research staff member of C&C Research laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany. Junwei Cao got his PhD in computer science from University of Warwick, UK, in 2001, where his PhD thesis was focused on Agent-based Resource Management for Grid Computing. He got his master and bachelor degrees from Tsinghua University with highest honors in 1998 and 1996, respectively.

Junwei Cao has published over 50 academic papers and books, cited by international researchers for over 500 times. He served as a program committee member, journal reviewer, proposal evaluator or invited speaker for many academic events. Junwei Cao is a member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) and serves as a member of the LSC data analysis software committee. He is also a member of the Open Science Grid consortium in the US. Junwei Cao is the guest editor of the book Cyberinfrastructure Technologies and Applications to be published by Nova Science Publishers. Junwei Cao is a Senior Member of the IEEE Computer Society and a Member of the ACM.

A list of Junwei Cao's current CI/grid related research:

CI technologies

  • A data streaming environment. This provides an environment to feed applications with large amount of data using on-demand data streaming and just-in-time data cleanup.
  • CI membership management. This aims at dynamic membership management for multiple VOs in CI. This also supports cross VO authentication and authorization.
  • Workflow management in CI environments. This work focuses on formal methods for modeling and verification of large scale scientific workflows.

CI applications

  • Agricultural data grids. This aims to integrate geographically distributed agricultural data all over the country to facilitate data provision and access.
  • An integrated national open course system. This provides online access to thousands of nationally selected courses with multimedia contents. Grids of media servers are backends of the system to improve online access quality.
  • LIGO. This is collaboration with Caltech and MIT on enabling large-scale gravitational wave analysis applications to the Open Science Grid.

CI testbeds
We can access resources in the LIGO data grid and the Open Science Grid in the US.
We also build a CI testbed at Tsinghua using Globus and Condor.

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This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number OISE-0730065. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. © 2007 Florida International University